Lithuanian Artists’ Association is funded by Lithuanian Council of Culture
Lithuanian Artists’ Association (LAA) is a voluntary creative organization, unifying professional artists, art historians and critics, and art curators. LAA encourages and promotes creativity of members of the association, protects their copyrights, independently and together with state institutions, creative and public organizations organize and participate in preparing professional fine arts projects, and creative programs.
LAA is a member of International Association of Art (IAA), European Council of Artists (ECA), Lithuanian Art Creators’ Association (LMKA), as well as a founder of LATGA and SRTRF.
LAA consists of territorial departments: Vilnius (graphics, watercolors, painting, art studies, monumental art, scenography, sculpture, textiles, ceramics, metal art, interdisciplinary art, leather art, clothing modelers, individualists, free member sections), Kaunas (watercolors, graphics, painting, sculpture, scenography, ceramic sections, leather workers, jewelers, metalworkers’ sections, monumentalists, glassmakers, textile, and fine arts sections), Panevėžys, Šiauliai, Klaipėda.
LAA unites 10 art galleries: “ARKA” gallery, “St. John’s Street gallery”, “Dailininkų sąjungos galerija”, “Kairė*dešinė” gallery, “Meno parkas” gallery, “XX” gallery, “Klaipėdos galerija”, “S_IN” gallery, Kaunas department gallery “Drobė”, LAA exhibition space.
LAA has also established these divisions: VšĮ Artists’ Association publishing house “Artseria”, VšĮ “Skulptūros ir vitražo centras”, UAB “Vilniaus dailė”, VšĮ “Vilniaus grafikos meno centras”, VšĮ “Dailininkų namai”, VšĮ LAA Fondas.
The governing bodies of LAA are LAA Conference, which has all the rights of a general assembly of LAA members, and LAA Council.
Currently Lithuanian Artists’ Association unites 1518 members.
The council of Lithuanian Artists’ Association:
Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė
(Chairwoman of Lithuanian Artists’ Association and Council)
Arvydas Šaltenis
(Vilnius painters’ section)
Linas Liandzbergis
(Vilnius painters’ section / chairman)
Meda Norbutaitė
(Vilnius painters’ section)
Augustas Bidlauskas
(Vilnius graphics section / chairman)
Karina Kazlauskaitė
(Vilnius metal art section / chairwoman)
Jaunius Ranonis
(Vilnius watercolorists section / chairman)
Laisvydė Šalčiūtė
(Vilnius graphics section)
Gintaras Gesevičius
(Vilnius graphics section)
Liuda Stankevičienė
(Vilnius monumental art section / chairwoman)
Vidas Simanavičius
(Vilnius sculpture section / chairman)
Violeta Gaidamavičiūtė-Kiselienė
(Vilnius visual arts group „Individualistai“ / chairwoman)
Agnė Šemberaitė
(Vilnius ceramics section / chairwoman)
Solveiga Gutautė
(Vilnius ceramics section)
Silvija Juozelskytė-Vaičiulienė
(Vilnius textile workers section / chairwoman)
Saulė Marija Mažeikaitė-Teiberė
(Vilnius art study section / chairwoman)
Kristina Ancutaitė
(Kaunas ceramics section / chairwoman)
Ignas Kazakevičius
(Kaunas department / chairman)
Gediminas Šibonis
(Kaunas graphics section / chairman)
Lukas Šiupšinskas
(Kaunas department)
Valda Verikaitė
(Kaunas glass section / chairwoman)
Bronislovas Rudys
(Šiauliai department / chairman)
Rūta Povilaitytė
(Panevėžys department)
Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė
(Klaipėda department / chairwoman)
Daiva Ložytė
(Klaipėda department)
LAA Court of Honor members:
Chairman - Rūtilis Algirdas Slavėnas
Chairman deputy - Arvydas Pakalka
Secretary - Lina Kalinauskaitė
Artūras Aliukas
Arvydas Baltrūnas
Ričardas Bartkevičius
Živilė Bardzilauskaitė-Bergins
Control commission:
Exhibition committee:
Evelina Januškaitė (chairwoman)
Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė
Kotryna Džilavjan
Jurga Minčinauskienė
Arvydas Žalpys
Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė
Tomas Rudokas
Bronius Rudys
Audrius Pocius
Linas Liandzbergis
Agnė Jonkutė
Agnė Šemberaitė
Valentinas Klimašauskas
Jurgita Ludavičienė
Rebeka Bruder
Gintaras Kušlys
Rūta Lipaitė-Vingrienė

LDS taryba 2024
1935 September 19th. Lithuanian Artists’ Association is founded in Kaunas.
1938 – The Lithuanian Art Society joins LAA.
1940-1941 – LAA is known as Professional Union of Lithuanian Artists.
1941-1944 – LAA is known as Lithuanian Artists’ Association.
1944 – LAA is reformed into LSSR Artists’ Association, and its subordination to USSR Artists’ Association is legalized.
1944-1994 – The Lithuanian Art Foundation is operating.
1989 – LAA withdraws from USSR Artists’ Association and the independent Lithuanian Artists’ Association is founded – an organization of art creators, which resumes the creative and social activities of LAAfrom 1935.
1990 – The art gallery “ARKA” is founded in Vilnius.
1991 – The “St. John’s Street gallery”, formerly known as “Medalių galerija”, is founded in Vilnius.
1993 – “Dailininkų sąjungos galerija” is founded in Vilnius.
1993 – “Galerija XX” is founded in Panevėžys.
1995 – Vilnius Graphic Center is founded, in 2000 it is registered as Vilnius Graphic Art Center, and the “Kairė-Dešinė” gallery is founded.
1997 – “Meno parkas” gallery is founded in Kaunas.
1997 – “Dailės leidybos ir informacijos centras”, which in 2003 is transformed into Artists’ Association publishing house, is founded. The publishing house prepares art albums for the press, the book series “Šiuolaikiniai Lietuvos dailininkai”, and the magazine “Dailė”.
1998 – “Klaipėdos galerija” is founded.
1998-2006 – The information publication “Mėnraštis” is being published. From April of 2007 the informative publication “Dailėraštis” is prepared and distributed as an addition to the weekly “Literatūra ir menas” newspaper.
2019 – LAA department in Šiauliai purchased new quarters and founded Art Projects Space, where exhibitions and other cultural activities are being organized.
Presidents of Lithuanian Artists’ Association
Justinas Vienožinskis
(chairman 1935–1936)
Viktoras Vizgirda
(chairman 1936–1938)
Antanas Smetona
(chairman 1938–1940)
Antanas Žmuidzinavičius
(chairman 1940)
Mečislovas Bulaka, Stepas Žukas
(both chairmen 1940–1941)
Adalbertas Staneika
(chairman 1942–1944)
Liuda Vaineikytė
(chairwoman 1944–1956)
Vytautas Mackevičius
(chairman 1956–1958)
Jonas Kuzminskis
(chairman 1958–1982)
Konstantinas Bogdanas
(chairman 1982–1987)
Bronius Leonavičius
(chairman 1987–1992)
Algimantas Biguzas
(chairman 1992–1994)
Gvidas Raudonius
(chairman 1994–1998)
Vaclovas Krutinis
(chairman 1998–2008)
Eugenijus Nalevaika
(chairman 2008–2012)
Edita Utarienė
(chairwoman 2012–2020)
Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė
(chairwoman since 2020)