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18th General Assebly of IAA Europe & Symposium ART&WAR 16-18 October in Vilnius

The 18th General Assembly of IAA Europe and the accompanying Symposium “ART & WAR” will be held on 16 – 18 October 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The General Assembly is hosted by IAA Europe and the Lithuanian Artists’ Association (LAA). The

Assembly will take place on 16 October at the Lithuanian Artists’ Association, Vokiečių 4, Vilnius.

The Symposium is hosted by IAA Europe and the Lithuanian Artists’ Association (LAA) with support from a-n The Artists Information Company. The Symposium will take place on 17 October at the National Gallery of Art, Konstitucijos pr. 22, Vilnius.

On behalf of the IAA Europe’s President’s office and the Lithuanian Artists’ Association,

Teemu Mäki

President of IAA Europe


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