Vilnius Cityscapes
Vilnius Cityscapes is a project initiated by the Artists’ Association Foundation. The works on display in Vilnius billboards, created using various classical graphic techniques, take us back to Vilnius in the 1960s–1980s.
The works are part of the collection of the Artists’ Association Foundation [1]. The foundation’s collection of prints includes graphic works by Rimtautas Gibavičius, Edmundas Birgėla, Alfonsas Čepauskas, Violeta Gaidamavičiūtė-Kisielienė, Vytautas Kalinauskas, Antanas Kučas, Jonas Kuzminskis, Antanas Kmieliauskas, Leonas Lagauskas, Henrikas Ratkevičius, Jūratė Stauskaite, and other artists.
While discovering the city, the artists enjoy the panoramas, atmosphere, greenery, and architecture of old Vilnius. Žirmūnai, Lazdynai, and Antakalnis emerge in the graphic sheets.
The artists’ perspectives are very different. Rimtautas Gibavičius’ city is bright and full of rhythm, and his works almost turn into abstraction, while Edmundas Birgėla’s and Violeta Gaidamavičiūtė-Kisielienė’s images of the city are rougher. The city of greenery and surprises is revealed in the graphic sheets by Leonas Lagauskas and Alfonsas Čepauskas, while fog, towers, and birds are depicted in the works of Jūratė Stauskaitė. The section of Antakalnis, as a link between the old and the new Vilnius, emerges in the graphic sheets by the city’s old-timer, L. J. Paškauskaitė, who was the only one born and raised in Vilnius. Vilnius Gothic appears amidst the new architecture in the work of H. Ratkevičius. The exhibition also includes works by Lithuanian art classics Antanas Kučas, Jonas Kuzminskis, and Antanas Kmieliauskas.
The works are created in wood, linen, serigraphy, etching, cyanotype, mixed media, and other techniques.
Works on the theme of Vilnius were not necessarily created as personal gifts or on the initiative of the artists’, they were often commissioned for special occasions to reflect the representative side of the city and its glorious past.
Best, S
[1] until 1994, Lithuanian Art Foundation, an artist organization active in 1944–1994

Funded by:

Project team:
Project tutor – Solveiga Gutautė
The author of the texts - Saulė Mažeikaitė Teiberė
Audiovisual solutions - Andrius Grigalaitis
Lietuvos dailininkų žodynas 1918 –1944. Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas. Vilnius, 2013
Lietuvos dailininkų žodynas 1945–1990. Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas. Vilnius, 2016.
100 šiuolaikinių Lietuvos dailininkų (parengta pagal Soroso šiuolaikinio meno centro dokumentaciją, sudarė Raminta Jurėnaitė). R. Paknio leidykla. Vilnius, 2000