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Triennial Exhibitions
Exhibitions Accompanying the Triennial

International Vilnius Painting Triennial: A Record Number of Participants and a Desire to Provoke

The 18th International Vilnius Painting Triennial is expanding its geography this year - the exhibitions will feature works by artists from 10 different countries, and the Triennial's events will take place not only in Vilnius but also in Kaunas. “I am here not to be tolerated, I am here to provoke you” – this is the title that will accompany the Triennial's events, which will begin on 5 September with an exhibition at the M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum Kaunas Picture Gallery. 

"This year's Triennial has a special focus on the Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark), the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and Poland. These are the countries whose artists are probably the most responsive to what is happening around us and around the world. The overall tone of the Triennial will focus on the latest and most innovative trends in painting to understand and conceptualize the 'now-ness' of contemporary painting, to show the diversity and diversity of artistic reflections on the medium of painting," says Meda Norbutaitė, artist and head curator of the Vilnius Painting Triennial 2024. 

Organized since 1969, this year's event attracted a record number of 50 artists from 10 different countries. According to Meda Norbutaitė, they are united by their ability to respond to the dominant provocative concept of the Triennial, the innovativeness of their techniques, and their artistic quality.

"The title of the Triennial “I am here not to be tolerated, I am here to provoke you” reflects not only the relationship that the exhibitions and other events will try to create with the viewer, but also, in a way, the relationship with oneself. The Triennial will question whether painting as a medium fulfills the function and purpose of art to stimulate critical thinking and to educate," says the main curator of the Vilnius International Painting Triennial. 

The main exhibitions of the International Vilnius Painting Triennial will take place from 5 September to 27 October at the M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum Kaunas Picture Gallery, and from 3 October to 2 November at the VAA Exhibition Halls “Titanikas” in Vilnius. Kaunas will present an exhibition of Nordic artists (curated by Henrik B. Andersen), paintings by Polish artists (curated by Krzysztof Stanislawski), and Lithuanian artists (curated by Meda Norbutaitė). In Vilnius, visitors will be greeted by the exhibition of the Baltic and Nordic Young Artists Award nominees "Inner Worlds" (curated by Andra Orn) and a collection of Baltic artists (curated by Meda Norbutaitė). The accompanying exhibitions will take place from 5 September to 6 October at Gallery “Meno Parkas” in Kaunas (featuring paintings from Spain and France), and from 11 October to 10 November at Gallery “Arka” in Vilnius (solo exhibition of Finnish artist Teemu Tuomas Mäki). 

Throughout the Triennial, visitors will be invited to take part in guided tours, meetings with the artists, and performances in various venues around the city, as well as to vote for the most provocative piece of work of the Triennial.

Triennial Events:


  • 05/09/2024, 14:00 Panel discussion: In conversation with Nordic artists and curator Henrik B. Andersen (VDA Kaunas Faculty Hall, Muitinės St. 2, Kaunas)

  • 05/09/2024, 16:00 Opening event of the accompanying exhibitions by French and Spanish artists (Gallery "Meno parkas," Town Hall Square 27, Kaunas)

  • 05/09/2024, 19:00 Opening event of the exhibitions by artists from the Nordic countries, Poland, and Lithuania (National M.K. Čiurlionis Museum, Kaunas Picture Gallery, K. Donelaičio St. 16, Kaunas)



  • 03/10/2024, 14:00 Panel discussion: In conversation with curator Andra Orn and Nordic and Baltic Young Artist Award Nominees (VDA Exhibition Halls "Titanikas," Maironio St. 3, Vilnius)

  • 03/10/2024, 16:00 Panel discussion: In conversation with Baltic artists (VDA Exhibition Halls "Titanikas," Maironio St. 3, Vilnius)

  • 03/10/2024, 18:00 Opening event of the exhibitions by NOBA contestants and Baltic artists (Exhibition Halls "Titanikas," Maironio St. 3, Vilnius)

  • 10/10/2024, 18:00-19:30 Lecture by Henrik B. Andersen: "An essay on the possible - impossible death of painting" (VDA Auditorium, Vilnius)

  • 11/10/2024, 18:00 Opening event of the solo exhibition by Teemu Mäki (Finland) (Gallery "Arka," Aušros Vartų St. 7, Vilnius)

  • 12/10/2024 Film Screening: Teemu Mäki "RIVERBULLS (A Letter to Vladimir Putin)" (location and time TBC)

Triennial Artists

Nordic Artists 

Christine Ödlund (SE), Torben Ribe (DK), Dag Erik Elgin (NOR), Ilija Wyller (NOR), Tamara Piilola (FI), Jukka Rusanen (FI), Ivan Andersen (DK), Erik Jeor (SE).

Polish Artists 

Martyna Borowiecka, Ania Grzymała, Martyna Czech, Ewa Miazek.

Nordic-Baltic Young Artists Award nominees 

Adomas Rybakovas (LT), Agata Orlovska (LT), Andrea Margó Rotenberg (FI), Arvid Staaf (SE), Eeva Lietonen (FI), Eila Kalve (LV), Gabrielė Monginaitė (LT), Katrina Laura Biksone (LV), Maarion Saarik (EE), Marleen Suvi (EE), Neda Naujokaitė (LT), Rokas Janušonis (LT).

Baltic Artists 

Donata Minderytė (LT), Stasys Eidrigevičius (LT), Vygantas Paukštė (LT), Henrikas Čerapas (LT), Eglė Ulčickaitė (LT), Jonas Gasiūnas (LT), Eglė Karpavičiūtė (LT), Andris Vītoliņš (LV), Sigita Daugule (LV), Mirjam Hinn (EE), Elena Balsiukaitė Brazdžiūnienė (LT), Mantas Valentukonis (LT), Vita Opolskytė (LT), Maris Čačka (LV), Kaido Ole (EE), Marko Mäetamm (EE).

Artists from France

M. D. Bidard, Sylvia Bottiau, Matthieu Capelier, Victorien Ezard, Grégoire Fabvre, Brigitte Horion, Elisabeth Krotoff, Christelle Teissedre, Denis Vingt-Deux

Artists from Spain

Xaro Castillo, Quico Estivill, Jorge Ferré, Agustin Fructuoso, Alex González, Silvia Pagliano, Federico Sancho, Diego Tampanelli, Francesc Ylla

Triennial Album

Triennial Team

Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė.jpg

The Organizer:
Lithuanian Artists‘ Association

Chairwoman of the LAA, Professor, Artist, Curator


The Head curator

Artist, curator

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The Curator

Artist, art critic, curator

Prof. Henrik B. Andersen (DK).

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The Curator

Art critic & curator

Krzysztof Stanislawski (PL)

Arvydas Zalpys_Meno Parkas web.jpg

The Curator

Art critic & artist

Curator at gallery Meno parkas, Kaunas

Arvydas Žalpys (LT)

Andra Orn TAW1_edited.jpg

Curator, Writer, Founder and Director of the Nordic Baltic Art Platform NOBA



The Curator

Art critic & Curator at gallery ARKA, Vilnius

Dr. Evelina Januškaitė (LT)

Agne Skopaite, web.jpg

Project Manager  Contemporary Art Advisor & Historian MA Contemporary Art @ Sotheby's Institute of Art

Agnė Skopaitė (LT/UK)


Designer, communication and public relation specialist

Lukas Stanionis (LT)


Project Art Critic

Dr. Vaida Ragėnaitė (LT)

A. Grigalaitis.jpg

Developer of Creative Communications Solutions and public relations specialist

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Dalė ir Gintaras Gruodžiai

XVII Tarptautinė Vilniaus tapybos trienalė [NE]DETERMINUOTA

2020 m. gruodžio 8 d. – 2021 m. balandžio 30 d.

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